StructureMapMy actual code was this:.Exceptions .StructureMapConfigu rationException : StructureMap configuration failures :
Error: 104
Source: Registry : StructureMap .ConfigurationExpres sion,StructureMap
TypeInstance 'bf0f9bf6-304d-4d7b- 9cd4-59437e94eb10' (Smart Instance for System .Data .SqlClient .SqlClientFactory) cannot be plugged into type System .Data .Common .DbProviderFactory, System .Data, Version=2 .0 .0 .0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5 c561934e089
---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -
at StructureMap .Diagnostics .GraphLog .AssertFailures ()
at StructureMap .Container .Configure (Action`1 configure)
at StructureMap .ObjectFactory .Configure (Action`1 configure)
ObjectFactory.Configure(expr =>
What do you mean by "cannot be plugged in", and why Google can't help me here???
So, a couple of hours later (and with a big help from CThru and Reflector), and I find the StructureMap.Graph.TypeRules.CanBeCast method, which is not just about casting, but says no when, among other things, the concrete type (SqlClientFactory in our case) has no default constructor.
Ok, I can understand. StructureMap doesn't know how to create a concrete instance. How about this:
expr.ForRequestedType<DbProviderFactory>().Use(SqlClientFactory.Instance);Still no luck:
StructureMapThis is more weird, but a look into the code tells me that we still require the target type to have a default constructor (cause we call the same method). Must be a bug in StructureMap. Too bad, since that would be the most clear and logical solution..Exceptions .StructureMapConfigu rationException : StructureMap configuration failures :
Error: 104
Source: Registry : StructureMap .ConfigurationExpres sion,StructureMap
TypeInstance '42b890e6-54dc-457e- 897a-3e8becc7d0fb' (Object : System .Data .SqlClient .SqlClientFactory) cannot be plugged into type System .Data .Common .DbProviderFactory, System .Data, Version=2 .0 .0 .0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5 c561934e089
Finally this one worked for me:
expr.ForRequestedType<DbProviderFactory>() .AsSingletons(). TheDefault.Is.ConstructedBy (ctx => SqlClientFactory.Instance);
Have fun!