Sunday 5 August 2007

On Good Frameworks forcing Good Things upon us

Every now and then I read people say things like "testability forces me to think about good design", or, "This framework is good/bad because it does/doesn't enforce good design practices". Although I usually try my best to respect other people's views, such things literally drive me mad.

OK, I admit it's personal. I hate being enforced since my childhood. But I'll try to be objective (as if sentient beings could be objective) and put a couple of reasons behind my emotions.

The whole forcing thing is about awareness. If you are a kid you shouldn't play with fire. That's an enforcement that can save a life. If you are aware of the situation and the consequences of your actions, you need freedom to act effectively. Perhaps you are too self-confident, perhaps you don't know the consequences although you think you do. But you take your chance and perhaps learn something from your failure.

My favourite example is about crossing a street. If you are not very confident, you watch the street lights. Green, you go. But it's not the street light that hits you, it's the car. So, a more confident person would watch for a running car (which might hit you even if you cross with a green light). Now, imagine if I'm forced to cross the street when the green light is on. When some drunk driver drives right on me, I can't stop even if I see him coming, because, you know, I'm forced to move.

Same with frameworks. If I'm forced to do a HelloWorld in a "right" way, all with MVP and interfaces and dependency injections, is it a good framework? Do I have to reinvent a MessageBox so that my open source mocking framework is satisfied?

If there's a good pattern, a framework should encourage, not enforce it. You can make a shortcut of sorts, make it simple. And I'm not saying that the authors of such frameworks deliberately block other ("bad") ways of doing things. But presenting some "enforcement" as a feature is like being proud about something that you can't do (as opposite to "can but don't want to").

Back to "testability forces me to think about good design" -- do you really have to be enforced to think about good design?

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